
Review Monitoring Salesforce

Review Monitoring for Salesforce Users

As a consumer, you probably depend on ratings and reviews to make informed purchase decisions. If so, you’re in good company. According to Bazaarvoice, 89% of consumers consult ratings and reviews before making a purchase. 89% of consumers consult ratings and reviews prior to making a purchase. Source: Bazaarvoice, What’s in a review?  As a…

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1440 saves brands time

How 1440 Helps Brands Reclaim Their Time While Delighting Customers

Consumers have an abundance of choices – whether they’re shopping for a sofa, a holiday gift for a loved one, a bank, a vacation, or just about anything in between. That means you’re likely facing more competition than ever before. Offering great products and services is essential, but it’s no longer enough to win the…

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How Reviews Impact Conversion Rates: A Guide for 2022

By now, reviews are a part of daily life for most consumers. They consult this content when shopping for new products, considering which businesses to visit, choosing a mobile app to download, and even when considering a new job – not to mention myriad other situations. In fact, our recent survey on the role of…

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Fashion Nova Negative Review Suppression

Fashion Nova and the Problem With Suppressing Negative Reviews

Over-Moderating Customer Feedback and Q&As Reduces Brand Authenticity Consumers have endless information at their fingertips when researching what products to purchase. But these days, they rely less on brand-provided messaging and marketing – and more on feedback from others like them. How do they access this feedback? Increasingly, by engaging with reviews, questions and answers…

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Anatomy of a Helpful Review

5 Components of a Helpful Review

Reviews were once a novel concept. But today, they’re an important resource consumers depend on to make decisions of all kinds, from what products to purchase to which businesses to visit — and everything in between. In fact, a survey from PowerReviews found that 94% of consumers always or regularly consult reviews when shopping online….

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review response templates

7 Ways to Use Templates for Review Responses

Collecting and displaying reviews is proven to drive some pretty impressive results for your business. According to an analysis from our friends at Bazaarvoice, there’s a 128% lift in conversion when shoppers interact with ratings and reviews on “best-in-class” sites — as well as a 159% lift in revenue per visitor. But responding to reviews…

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Amazon Ratings vs Amazon Reviews

Amazon Ratings vs. Amazon Reviews: What’s the Difference?

Amazon has steadily grown its market share over the past decade. And the COVID-19 pandemic supercharged that growth. According to Forbes, Amazon’s annual revenue was up 38% in 2020. Of course, there are a number of reasons why a large (and growing) number of shoppers opt to shop on Amazon, including product selection and free,…

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40 examples reviews in ads marketing

11 Places to Include Reviews in Your Marketing Strategy (with 40+ Examples)

By now, the majority of brands understand the positive impact reviews can have on the bottom line. 94% of consumers say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business (BrightLocal). And brands can experience as much as a 128% lift in conversion rate when shoppers interact with ratings and reviews (Bazaarvoice). Why…

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amazon review comments going away

Comments on Amazon Reviews Going Away: 5 Ways for Brands to Adapt

Last month, Amazon announced a change that’ll have a significant impact on how Brands, Manufacturers, and Sellers engage with shoppers: the comments feature on customer reviews will be eliminated, effective immediately. There has been a lot of chatter over forums this week and no doubt some heated conversations with Amazon reps. Understandably, most Brands and…

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