Consumer Reviews and Q&A Expectations Survey

The Growing Role of UGC in the Purchase Journey (and How Brands Stack Up Against Shopper Expectations)

The How & Why of Consumer Reviews and Q&A

Insights from 500+ Consumers and 250+ Brands

We’re experiencing a huge shift in the way consumers navigate the purchase journey. Consumers are skipping trips to the store in favor of online shopping. And regardless of where they’re shopping, they depend on ratings and reviews and customer questions and answers (Q&A) to make informed purchase decisions. 

But what exactly do consumers expect in terms of reviews and Q&A? And are brands meeting these expectations – or are they falling flat? We surveyed more than 500 consumers and 250 brands to find out. 

Download the Survey Report to learn:

  • The factors that influence purchase decisions the most
  • How consumers use reviews and Q&A when browsing and buying products – and how this content impacts their purchase behavior
  • Why consumers write reviews – and what they expect to happen when they do so
  • And more!

Brands must understand the expectations of shoppers if they are to meet (and exceed) them. Grab your free copy of the eBook to find out what consumers want. 

1440 UGC Survey 2021-2022

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