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How Reviews Impact Conversion Rates: A Guide for 2022

By Faith Hinz | February 22, 2022

By now, reviews are a part of daily life for most consumers. They consult this content when shopping for new products, considering which businesses to visit, choosing a mobile app to download, and even when considering a new job – not to mention myriad other situations. In fact, our recent survey on the role of…

Fashion Nova Negative Review Suppression

Fashion Nova and the Problem With Suppressing Negative Reviews

By Faith Hinz | February 17, 2022

Over-Moderating Customer Feedback and Q&As Reduces Brand Authenticity Consumers have endless information at their fingertips when researching what products to purchase. But these days, they rely less on brand-provided messaging and marketing – and more on feedback from others like them. How do they access this feedback? Increasingly, by engaging with reviews, questions and answers…

Top Reasons Google Business Messages

Top 8 Reasons to Start Using Google’s Business Messages

By Faith Hinz | February 7, 2022

Walking into a brick-and-mortar store and speaking with a sales or customer service associate or picking up the phone and dialing an 800 number were once the primary ways consumers communicated with brands and got pre- and post-sale service. But that’s no longer the case. Today, consumers seek out service via a variety of different…